Monday, August 20, 2007

August Reflections

Originally uploaded by Rosalind Tedford.
Where the hell has my summer gone?? WFU students are coming in this Thursday and my life will be chaos for a while after that so I thought I'd post a few things before I get swamped.

Sean's only word is still 'Uh-oh' but he's adding more random sounds every day. He has completely given up baby food - and is becoming quite adept at feeding himself. He has this empirical point that he does all the time - he points at his mobile, the wall, his sister, his cats....I really think he was a Roman Emperor in a past life - I feel like any day he'll point at me and say "peel me a grape....slave" --but until that day, we enjoy his crazy cute smile and especially the fact that he is sleeping straight through the night most nights now. He's pulling up on everything and I'm sure he'll be walking soon, lord help us all.

Erin has become a great swimmer over the summer - it's been amazing to see her develop. She begins her new school next Monday so this week we are doing dry runs of making her lunch (Disney princess Lunchbox) the night before and packing her backpack (Tinkerbell). This morning she was so cute walking into Camp GrandJo with her backpack on and her lunch in her hand - it almost brought tears to my eyes. We meet her new teacher on Wed. so that will be fun. I think she's a little anxious but I know she'll love the school.

Some cuteness: She hurt herself a week or two ago and through her tears as I was getting ready to put a bandaid on her I heard her say "bless my heart...."