Saturday, March 08, 2008

From the mouths of babes...

Originally uploaded by Rosalind Tedford.
So tonight we had our good friends Betsy and Jeremy Chapman over for dinner with their son, Ian. We played, had dinner and then were all watching Weird Al (see previous post). Erin turns around to them and says "Why are you still here??"" and then goes on about her business. Luckily Bets and Jer are not the types to get offended, or we would not have been friends for over 15 years.

The picture is further evidence of my son's infatuation with hats. He and Pat played in his re-enacting closet for a long time this morning. Sean just kept pointing up and saying 'haaaaaaat' and Pat would pull out another one --- and another -- and another. But it made for some great pictures!!

Thursday, March 06, 2008


I guess we all measure time in different ways and we all have expectations for things we can't wait to do with our kids. For me, having Erin learn all the words of the WFU Fight song has been a highlight of the last year....add to that the fact that one of her favorite insults is to call people 'Blue Devils' and my job on this planet is just about complete. For Patrick, one of his great dreams has now come addition to being able to name all the superheroes she sees, Erin is a Weird Al Yankovic fan. We have spent the last 4 nights watching our DVD and Erin now knows most of the words to 'Dare to be Stupid' AND 'Jedi' -- it is a wonder to behold. 'Smells Like Nirvana', one of my favorites has yet to catch on with her, but she's warming up to "Amish Paradise." So really, what more can we ask? I guess she could grow up to save the world, but if not, we'll love her all the same!!