Saturday, October 20, 2007

But is is Art???

So most of you know of my father's crazy collection of corruptions of great works of art. Funny Mona Lisas, poor reproductions of the Venus de Milo (does that make his a collection of Veni de Milo??) and all of the Last Suppers, from the sacred to the profane. So he and Erin are up in his 'artist studio' the other day where they often go to paint, glue, collage (is that a verb??) and Erin stated that instead of painting the Last Supper, she wanted to paint 'The First Supper.' Which got me to wondering, what other revisions could you do -- Monet's Pond Scum, Winged Defeat, Van Gogh's Mostly Cloudy Night -- the mind boggles at the possibilities!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

At least I didn't do this

All parents (well most parents, read on) have fears that they are inadequate, unfair or at the very least doing permanent damage to their children that will take years of therapy, booze or meditation (or perhaps all three) to get over. But occasionally God drops us a little sign that we aren't, after all, the worst parents in the world. Sometimes it's your child snuggling up to you on the couch to read a book and saying 'I love you mom.' Sometimes it's a compliment someone gives you after they have come in contact with your child, but other times, it's a news story like this one.....or this one...and I guess in the grand scheme of things, when your child goes on to reproduce and your grandchildren light up whenever they see you (see picture -- Sean is PopPop's biggest fan in the world) -- then perhaps you can sit back and say 'ok - I did an ok job on that whole parenting thing'....At least that's what I hope my parents are saying, 'cause they are the best there is!!! And not once did they hide drugs in my clothes! Go figure.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Is It Any Wonder....

that Americans are obese???? Hardee's new breakfast has 60 grams of fat -- suddenly my diet looks good in comparison. And keep reading about the Chicken Salad sandwich. And they aren't alone. Arby's Chicken Salad Sandwich (yummy as it is) has more fat (a whopping 39g) than a medium roast beef sandwich (at a still ungodly 20g). Somehow I think these guys are in league with heart disease, diabetes and cholesterol drug manufacturers. The more we eat of the first, the more we need the second. If only it would kill you on the spot, then we'd finally have some chlorine in the gene pool. But no, lots of the people who think this looks good have already reproduced.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Oxymorons in Advertising

There are lots of them and they drive me crazy (English major that I am) -- but here's a new one: Pillsbury Crescent Rounds -- you're either a CRESCENT or you're a ROUND, you can't be both. Now if we can stop advertisers from verbing language ("fragrances whole rooms" is on a can of air freshener at my parent's house -- fragrance IS NOT A VERB!!!!!!!!) then we'll only have to tackle false and predatory advertising and we'll have the whole industry cleaned up in no time......SIGH. Can we all just watch PBS and Noggin all the time, please.