Monday, July 02, 2007

Stupid and Boring

Flying Nun Sean
Originally uploaded by Rosalind Tedford.
It's funny how kids latch on to word, and Erin LOVE words. Her latest are stupid and boring. They are, to her mind, the WORST thing you can say about something. She does not, however REALLY know what they mean. This morning she told her dad not to tickle her because that 'was boring.' She's also latched onto the number 16 and San Francisco. Everything in her life will happen to her 'when I'm 16.' This is the magical age when she will no longer be afraid of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney, when she will be able to go off the diving board at the pool and when she won't have to sit in her booster seat in the car anymore. And that storm the other came from San Francisco. She's turning into a fish - such a good swimmer just in the last month!! And Sean is crawling up a storm. I have a sneaking suspicion that we'll need to do more childproofing with this one. Whoever said gender differences were the result of environment, never had a boy and a girl to compare. They are just wired differently. I look forward to seeing how it plays out. Hey, chasing him might just help me lose the rest of my baby weight!!!

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