Monday, March 19, 2007 and other Erin Stories

Erin has been sick the last few days with a fever but she nevertheless seems to find ways to amuse us. Here are a few of her recent stories.

The other day her grandmother picked her up from daycare after her nap. When asked if she had a good nap she said "No. There was dirt under my cot and I just tossed and turned."

She has recently gotten fascinated with the veins in people's hands, especially GrandJo's. The other day she asked why they were so big, and GrandJo told her that when people got old, the veins got bigger. Erin reached over and said "I need to kiss them." Today she looked at them and when mom told her again about her hands, Erin said "Hands that love children."

And lastly, her nickname for her brother is currently Taco Head, Taco Baby or even Not really sure where that comes from, but it sure is cute.

Oh, and she's also learning Shakespeare. She started with 'Double, Double, Toil and Trouble' which she says with PopPop as they mix up paint. She's also saying "Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore art thou Romeo." Can "All the World's a Stage" be far behind???