Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Sean Close-Up May 2007
Originally uploaded by Rosalind Tedford.
So we're sitting in Moe's the other day eating our lunch and the song Imagine came on. Erin asked who sang the song and we explained that a man named John Lennon sings it and the was very famous and a part of a band named the Beatles. She got quiet and continued eating and when the song was over she said "Mommy, that was a sad song." I don't know if she listened to the words or just the music, but she was certainly tuned if only she has the musical talent of her father and not her mother we'll be all set.....

Monday, May 28, 2007

Who Does This Sound Like??

So tonight Erin started talking about our beach trip in September.

Erin: "But mommy, what will we do with Sean?"
Me: "What do you mean?"
Erin: "Where will he go? He won't be able to be in the sand, he might get dirty."
Me: "We'll bring a big blanket or we might put him in a stroller."
Erin: "But what if he cries?"
Me: "Then I'll take him out of the stroller."
Erin: "But your hands will be wet. Then he'll get wet."

Then I tried to distract her from borrowing trouble in that line of thinking so I brought up the fact that we'll have a hot tub on the deck at the house.

Erin: "But who will get in the hot tub"
Me: "Aunt Vivi, Aunt Beth, Daddy, You and maybe even Grandma Bobbie"
Erin: "But there won't be any room for me. And I'll be too hot, and I'll cry."

And so it went with every train of thought I went down. Not even four and borrowing trouble at every turn. I hope her dad and her pop pop are proud!!!! Not only is the glass half empty but it's on the floor and someone's going to step on it and bleed to death.....