Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sean's Vocabulary

So Sean is talking much later than Erin did, which is to be expected since he spends most of his time trying to kill himself by climbing up on things and falling off, or knocking things over on himself. But anyway, here's his latest list of vocabulary in order of daily frequency(note the lack of any reference to his female parent).....

PopPop (his grandfather)
BiBi (for his passifier)
Ree Ree (read)
Eee Eee (Eat)
Da Da
Ehwin (for erin)
Deek Deek (Deac Deac)
Bah (for ball)
Beh (for Beth)
Ba (bath)
Duice (for juice or shoes)
kaka (for cat)

And a few other random sounds that he makes while pointing at things and yelling. So we're still waiting for MaMa -- I'm sure a year from now I'll be wondering why I ever wanted him to say it at all....