Parenthood is, indeed, the toughest job in the world. But when you are putting your daughter to bed and she hugs you and says "Mommy, you're the best mommy I could have in the whole world" then somehow, it all seems worth it. That is, until, she pitches a fit because she wants her 'OTHER' pink and silver shoes, not 'THOSE ONES'.....just as you are ready to take her to school in the morning. Erin still loves The Downtown School and her teachers. They are learning this week about 'the lifecycle of frogs' which she is finding very interesting. She has taken to coloring with a vengeance in the last two weeks. We got her a box of 96 Crayolas (is there anything better than a brand new box of Crayolas--with the sharpener??) at Target on clearance for $2 and she is now coloring all the

Sean is still the happiest kid I know. Want proof....listen to him laugh. He is saying 'bah' for ball and 'dah' for down and such a wide variety of 'Uh-ohs' that you marvel that you never really paid much attention to that word before. It can mean so many things. The rest of us are chopped liver when Pop-Pop is around -- that boy LOVES Pop-Pop. And the feeling is mutual, I assure you!
Erin, Patrick and I are going to the WFU Football game this Saturday - it will be her first. Should be an adventure!
We are off for a family trip to the beach in a couple of weeks (Emerald Isle -- YEA!) so I know I'll have pics and stories when we get back. And then it will be October -- holy cow -- how did that happen??