Monday, April 02, 2007

Erin at lake Tillery March 2007

Saturday we returned to Lake Tillery with the kids and Vivian. It was a beautiful day. We played at the spruced up playground and took a long boat ride on the lake. A good time was had by all. Sean is now using the 'roll across the room' method of locomotion. It's working for him so far. He's still not sleeping through the night, however, and his mommy is getting pretty ready for that day to come. Viv's trip was a great success and Erin finds my makeup routine in the morning sorely lacking after the fun she had with Aunt Vivi!! She'll be a Mary Kay girl, I just know it!!! She has learned to cheer for Barack Obama, which I consider a first step toward political correctness, in the Tedford-Morton sense of the phrase. Now we are just thinking about the fun that the Easter Bunny will bring!

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